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Steve Potter is a New England-born writer and editor.


His fiction has appeared in Conjunctions, The Drift, and Narrative Magazine; his stories have also been nominated for the 2020 PEN/Robert J. Dau Short Story Prize for Emerging Writers, and been honorable-mentioned in Best American Short Stories 2020. His nonfiction has appeared in Adirondack Life, AscentClimbing Magazine, and Outside Magazine, and elsewhere. 


He received an MFA in Creative Writing (Fiction) from New York University, where he served as a two-year Starworks Fellow, and â€‹was a recipient of the Adirondack Center for Writing's 2019 Anne LaBastille Memorial Writers Residency. 


Steve is a regular contributor at Outside Magazine and Climbing Magazine and formerly served as Climbing's digital editorHe lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico, with his wife, Emma Hine.

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